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IOQM Preparation Tips: Check How To Crack Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics

By Satabdi MazumdarOctober 21, 2022
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Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics (IOQM) is a three-hour competitive level examination that is jointly organized by the Mathematics Teachers Association of India (MTAI), the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education (HBCSE) and the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). 

The IOQM exam aims to encourage young minds in studying Math, inculcate conceptual-based knowledge instead of subjective or theoretical as well as allow them to evaluate their math skills by providing them with national exposure. The IOQM is a single qualifying test divided into two sections - PRMO and RMO. All the students studying in Class VIII, IX, X, XI, or XII, are eligible for the IOQM examination. 

If you are one of those students who are participating in the IOQM exam and are wondering “how to crack IOQM”, this blog will help you learn a few tips that will help you prepare for your olympiad in the best way.
Tips & Tricks to Crack the Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics
Also Read: All You Need To Know About HBCSE Olympiad Exam

What is IOQM?

So, what is IOQM exam exactly? 

IOQM is an annual Mathematical competitive exam and the first stage of the Mathematical Olympiad Programme in India for high-school students. It will be held on October 30, 2022. Only the students who qualify IOQM exam 2022 will be eligible to appear for the INMO 2022 which is the second stage of the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

IOQM Syllabus 2022

The syllabus for the IOQM exam 2022 covers the dynamics of Classes 11 and 12 prominently. Based on the detailed year-wise analysis of PRMO, RMO, and IOQM papers, the main units covered in the syllabus include:

  • Algebra

  • Combinatorics

  • Geometry 

  • Number theory 

  • Quadratic equations and expressions

  • Trigonometry

  • Coordinate geometry

  • The system of linear equations

  • Permutations and combination

  • Factorization of polynomial

  • Inequalities

  • Elementary combinatorics

  • Probability theory and number theory

  • Finite series

  • Complex numbers

  • Elementary graph theory etc.

IOQM Test Pattern

  • Exam Duration - 3 Hours

  • Mode - Offline

  • Type of Exam - Integer Type Answers (Single or Two digits)

  • Negative Marking - None

First Stage Exam

The first stage of the exam is the Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics which is held for 3 hours with a total mark of 100. The answer to each question is an integer in the range 00-99. There is no negative marking and the exam is also OMR-based. The paper consists of 10 questions of 2 marks each, 12 questions of 5 marks, and 2 questions of 10 marks each.

Second Stage Exam

The second stage of the exam is the Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) exam. It will be held on January 15, 2023. The exam duration is 4 hours. It consists of 6 questions in a subjective format.   

Note - The IOQM registration forms can be filled out online through the official website. Students are required to pay IOQM registration fee. After IOQM registration, the MTA will conduct the PRMO exam. Here are the eligibility criteria:

IOQM 2022 Eligibility Criteria

A student must fulfill the given eligibility criteria to apply for the exam. 

  • Students who are born on or after August 1, 2003, and studying in Class VIII, IX, X, XI, or XII, are eligible for the IOQM.

  • Students studying in Kendriya Vidyalayas (KV) and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNV) can also apply

  • The candidate must hold an Indian passport.

How To Prepare for IOQM?

IOQM is a highly reputed competitive exam and to participate in the exam, students must prepare rigorously in Math and improve their in-depth knowledge of each topic covered in the syllabus. 

If you are thinking, “how to crack IOQM”, it is advised to take multiple mock tests to get a strong command of all the mathematical concepts. Additionally, you should also stay updated with all the amendments made to the syllabus of the exam. Below, we are sharing a few important IOQM tips to help you ace the exam. Take a look:

1. Work On Mathematical Aptitude

The candidates should pay attention to polishing their analytical, logical & mathematical aptitude to shine in the Math Olympiad. Good Math skills & strong mathematical aptitude are important Maths olympiad tips and tricks to participate and compete with similar-level students. Try to perform a conceptual-based study and develop a deep understanding of all the fundamentals to practically apply formulas or equations during taking the exam.

2. Refer To A Variety of Resources & Other Study Materials

To excel in the IOQM exam, you must solve a large number of questions from a variety of books & resources. As an important IOQM preparation tip, you must try different reference books and try to analyze the difficulty level of the IOQM questions. If you try an advanced level of books, it will surely help you prepare well and sharpen your analytical & thinking skills. 

NCERT books should be your first focus as they will help you clear your fundamentals. Solve all the NCERT textbook questions & answers. Revise the topics thoroughly & make your short notes.

3. Solve Previous Years’ Papers

If you want to know how to crack IOQM, you need to solve previous year's sample papers or mock test papers. This way, you could easily figure out your strong & weak points and try to overcome them. It will also help you know the type & difficulty level of important questions. Additionally, solving mock test papers will help you improve your time-management skills. Track your speed of attempting questions and improve accordingly.

4. Practice Mathematical Questions

To shine in the Mathematical Olympiad, try solving as many mathematical questions & equations as possible. It is the most important IOQM exam preparation strategy for candidates. You can buy test series or download them from the official site. If in doubt, ask your professors.

5. Practice with Olympiad Books

Besides NCERT textbooks, it is also recommended to refer to the olympiad books while preparing for the IOQM exam. To help candidates, olympiad organizing authorities have issued various books that students can refer to for practicing. You can search for them on the official olympiad website. These books contain advanced-level problems that test your intelligence level and will certainly give you an edge in your preparation.

6. Get Expert Guidance

If you have any doubts while studying for the IOQM exam, you need to consult with an expert tutor who will help you guide how to prepare for IOQM throughout the preparation process. You can join online/offline coaching classes with qualified and experienced teachers who explain every topic in detail and clarify all the doubts of the students. Furthermore, it is also beneficial as you will get a competitive environment that will help you evaluate your preparations.

How To Prepare for IOQM in 2 Months?

If you are looking for how to prepare for IOQM in class 11, here are a few additional tips to help you prepare for the IOQM exam:

  • Learn geometry by writing all the properties and theorems on flashcards and revising them.

  • Practice basic questions based on concepts of modulus, argument, conjugate, square root, addition and multiplication of complex numbers, etc.

  • Try basic questions based on the roots of quadratic equations.

  • Learn trigonometric formulae by writing on sticky notes and revising them daily. 

  • Carefully understand factorization, the nature of roots, and biquadratic polynomials.

  • Grab your command on number-related problems in Permutation & Combination etc.

Final Verdict!!

Students who prepare for the IOQM exam must have a keen knowledge of the Math subject, both practically & theoretically. Participating in any Olympiad or competitive exam provides countless benefits to students. For example, early exposure to learning and competition, conceptual-based learning, and national-level recognition, etc. Apply these IOQM exam tips and give your best shot. All the Best!!

FAQs on IOQM Preparation Tips: Check How To Crack Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics

1. Is IOQM Syllabus same for all classes?

The IOQM is a three-hour examination with 30 questions, each question having an integer answer in the range 00-99. The syllabus and standard of this examination will be the same as that of PRMO of previous years.

2. Does IOQM 2022 have a negative marking?

No. There will be no negative marking system.

3. Students of which class are eligible to write a mathematical olympiad?

Students of Class VIII to XII (8-12) are eligible to take the first stage of the mathematical olympiad, provided they fulfill other criteria.