The National Testing Agency (NTA) has confirmed that Tamil Nadu State Board students will be able to apply for JEE without class 10 marks. The decision is in response to the request raised by the state government to the Union Education ministry to allow students who have cleared their class 10 exams in 2021.
Students of the Tamil Nadu State board will be able to fill out the application form with the options of ‘passing year’ and ‘school board’ disabled and other associated fields not visible. This is just for the students who have cleared their class 10 board exams from the Tamil Nadu board in 2021.
Candidates who have already paid the application fee will be subject to the same rule. In the application form, the fields for the total score, marks, and percentage of marks will not be displayed.
In case students face any issues in filling out the JEE Main 2023 application form, they may contact 011-40759000/011-69227700 or drop an email at
Students are also advised to check the NTA’s official website for further updates related to JEE Main 2023 application process and further schedule.