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How Does Mindfulness Help You to Achieve Goals in Your Life

By Puja RoyAugust 11, 2022
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Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation to Achieve Success

The world of rat races is very brutal. You will be replaced anytime anywhere if you are not at the peak of your performance all the time. This is what creates constant stress causing mental and physical health issues.

The constant anxiety to be at the top of your game, whether it is in academics or professional life, can make you weak. You will always be in an alarming state to perform better than the rest. This is where we need to be aware of our mental and physical well-being. In this aspect, practising mindfulness can be the best bet.

What is Mindfulness?

Before defining mindfulness, we need to understand what wellbeing is. It is defined as the positive phase of a person’s social, physical, and mental states. It has been found that the mental well-being of a person can control the rest of the three states perfectly.

It is our mind that needs peace from the relentless pressure to perform in every aspect. Whether it is on personal or professional grounds, everywhere we feel stressed. Let us take an example at the basic level. Students studying in a class are focused to perform well and become better every day. They feel the stress of completing homework, answering all questions in the class, scoring the highest marks, and getting distinguished. This is what messes with our mental well-being.

How to Practice Mindfulness?

In this aspect, mindfulness is the state of awareness of our thoughts, actions, feelings, emotions, and bodily sensations with respect to the surrounding environment. It enables us to cope with situations better and offers extraordinary strength to maintain our mental health. This state can be achieved by taming our monkey mind with mindfulness meditation.

Advantages of Mindfulness

Advantages of Mindfulness

There are various ways to practise it. You can sit quietly and concentrate on your natural breathing patterns. Relax and focus on the thoughts roaming in your mind. Focus and let go of a few things such as bodily sensations, sensory actions, emotions, etc to train your mind to focus on relaxing. This is how you can begin mindfulness practice at home or even with peers.

Don’t try to stick to a particular sensation or thought. Let them pass and go with the flow. Watch what is coming and going in your mind and be comfortable.

Benefits of Mindfulness

This practice is a type of meditation that anyone can practice. It trains our minds to stay calm and focus on contemporary thoughts. It also trains our minds not to jump from one thought to the other and to have control over our emotions.

There are immense psychological benefits that a mindfulness activity can add to your lifestyle. Let us check these benefits and correlate them with our mental wellbeing.

1. Stress Reduction to a Considerable Extent

Handling stress for students is not a cup of tea. They, at their tender ages, are sometimes unable to cope with the stress of constant performance, syllabus completion, and competition. Due to this, students often succumb and surrender to stress. It causes excessive damage to their mental health and academic curriculum.

Practising mindfulness exercises can help students reduce stress considerably. They can relieve their mind from stress for a particular time span and train to think logically. The better they can use their logical reasoning power, the better they can manage their days.

With the power of mindfulness, they can plan their days fruitfully and execute well. Students will also be able to be calm in hostile situations and use their knowledge to answer questions well.

2. Taming Performance Anxiety

Students often suffer from stage fright when there is a need to perform in front of a lot of people. They forget what they have practised and tend to make more mistakes. This incident can also happen in an exam hall. The stress of performing at the maximum level can take a toll on their logic and senses.

To tame the demon of anxiety, using mindfulness techniques can be the best bet. Students will learn how to be aware of their surroundings and calm their minds. They will be able to focus on the greater facts and show their ultimate skills.

3. Reduction of Rumination

Another way mindfulness can help students and even adults is by reducing the act of rumination. Students often show depressive symptoms when they ruminate on memories related to any failure. They often get extra stressed from past outcomes and tend to lose focus on the present.

This is where mindfulness can bring balance back to your mind. You will find omitting such actions faster as you will be able to focus on the present more. The contemporary situations will become your first priority to know.

4. Working Memory Boost

Now that you have understood what is mindfulness meditation and what it can do, you will find that your working memory has been enhanced through continuous practice. Meditating to practise mindfulness in a specific way will train you to boost your memory.

You will learn things faster and recall them instantly to answer questions more accurately in an exam. Your performance on other levels of extracurricular activities will also increase considerably.

How Does Mindfulness Help? - Conclusion

In conclusion, we would advise you to try and follow the techniques shown by the mindfulness experts online and find out how to do mindfulness meditation on your own. At first, you will face a little problem concentrating and calming your monkey mind. Give it some time and have patience.

You will learn it eventually and master the art of mindfulness to achieve peace of mind. This is an age-old tradition developed by Buddhist monks to keep their minds calm and composed. Achieving even the smallest percentage of mindfulness will do miracles in your life.