UP Board Class 10 result 2022 is now available on the board’s official website. The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) has declared the result today at 2 PM. Students can visit the official website (upmsp.edu.in) to check the result online.
Girls outperform boys with 91.69 and 85.25 pass percent, respectively. The overall pass percentage has seen a decent improvement compared to 2020. This year, 88.18 percent of students managed to clear the exam, while 83.31 percent of students cleared the board exams in 2020. In 2021, the board cancelled the exam due to the pandemic.
Prince Patel topped the state with 97.67 per cent, followed by Sanskriti Thakur and Kiran Kihushwaha with 97.50 percent. The third position is secured by Aniket Sharma with 97.33 percent.
Step 1: Open (upresults.nic.in)
Step 2: Click on the ‘UP Board Class 10 Result 2022’ link
Step 3: Enter the login credentials
Step 4: The result will be available for view & download
The result available online is provisional in nature. The consolidated mark sheet can be collected from the respective schools when available.