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Amazing Facts About Our Planet Earth

By Swagata SarkarSeptember 04, 2022
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Information on Planet Earth for Kids

Have you ever wondered why our earth has life on it? Why other planets in our solar system cannot sustain life? What are the things or scientific facts that make our earth a unique planet in the universe? Well, fasten your seat belts as we are going for a wild ride of interesting information about planet earth today.

These interesting facts will surely intrigue your mind and give you the best idea of how our planet differs from the rest. You will also learn things that will amaze you. Our earth is a nurturing planet that lets all the plants and animals live in harmony. Is it so? Let us find out.

About the Earth

Our earth is the 3rd planet in the Solar System from the Sun, the focal point. The name is derived from the Germanic and English words that mean the ground. As per researchers, our earth is around 4.5 billion years old. We have a natural satellite orbiting the earth called the moon.

Facts about Our Earth

Facts about Our Earth

Interesting Earth Facts for Kids

1.  Our Earth is not a Perfect Sphere or Flat

There are controversies among many people that our earth is flat. Despite these controversies, scientists have proven that our earth is round. Visits to outer space have concluded the fact. You will be surprised to know that our earth is not exactly a spherical celestial object. It bugles in the equatorial position.

This bulging is 0.3% more in radius than the other regions. It means that the distance between the poles is 12,714 km whereas the equator diameter is 12,756 km. There is a whopping 42.78 km difference.

2.  The Day Span is Lengthening

No, we did not have a 24-hours long day span back then. It was only 6 hours approximately when the earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago. After 620 million years, the day span became 21.9 hours. Now, the time span is 24 hours. Can you find out the reason?

It's simply because the time span of a day is getting 1.7 milliseconds added every century. It also means that the rotational force of the earth is decreasing resulting in longer days. Does this mean we will get more time to work and play? Well, we can hardly notice the difference.

3.  Continents Emerged Slowly

The continents as we see them today were in their shapes millions of years back. Around 800 million years ago, the tectonic plates (the platform where landmasses and oceans lie) formed a huge supercontinent named Rodinia. As time passed, this supercontinent got divided into continents due to the movement of these plates.

Around 250-500 million years ago, Rodinia fell apart creating the Ural Mountains in Russia and the Appalachian Mountains in North America. Around 250 million years, you will be surprised to know that these continents merged again to form Pangaea, another supercontinent. It was like a gigantic island with oceans surrounding it. Eventually, the plates drifted apart in this timeline and resulted in the continents we see today.

4.  Earth Protecting Life

The earth’s atmosphere shields the ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun. It also keeps the planet warm by trapping heat. Meteors get destroyed as the atmosphere burns them down before hitting our earth’s surface. The magnetic field of our earth also diverts solar winds and protects life.

The earth provides a nurturing effect on all living organisms. It provides water and oxygen to survive. The plants perform photosynthesis and form the base of all ecosystems. All the other planets are incapable of doing so. Hence, this is one of the amazing earth facts for kids.

5.  Nature has a Zero Waste Policy

Our nature is a remarkable recycler. Nothing produced naturally goes to waste. It is either used or recycled by nature alone to support life. It means our earth follows a materially-closed system where nothing much enters from the outside causing chaos.

Apart from the meteors, everything on earth does not cause wastage. All the natural resources, whether it is water or oxygen, get recycled millions of times. Even if our planet has life-sustaining on it, all the resources are used and reused multiple times. This is what nature teaches us. We also need to focus on recycling to make our earth more sustainable.

6.  All the Organisms in an Ecosystem are Interconnected

One of the crucial lessons we learned from planet earth is that all animals and plants are interconnected. We find micro and macro ecosystems almost everywhere. Whether it is a snow-capped mountain or deep down the blue ocean, animals and plants live in harmony. A natural balance is maintained.

This shows that every species living in an ecosystem is important for others’ survival. The food chain in an ecosystem generally connects the animals and plants. Removing one will cause a domino effect resulting in an utter imbalance in the ecosystem.

7.  Nature is Persistent

If you observe carefully, you will find that life on earth is very persistent. An ant will scout for food until it gets tired. A crane will stand and patiently watch to catch a fish. An albatross will fly 8500 km and migrate to the southern hemisphere to survive. It gives us one of the most important fabulous life lessons from planet earth. We need to be persistent to survive.

Earth Facts and Life Lessons

We can learn so many things from these facts about our earth. As mentioned earlier, our earth is a nurturing planet. We need to be persistent and disciplined to follow and accomplish our aims. The earth protects us from different celestial events and gives us a safe environment to thrive. We should be protecting our earth too as we do not have a spare planet.